Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Week 14 : Poster Designing and Project Demo Presentation

Designing poster for project demo presentation and demonstration the project.
The presentation day of FYP II is on 16th Dec 2015 at Gemilang Hall. All candidates that participate need to prepare for presentation according the format given. As it has been briefed before the format of poster for presentation must contain the following subject:  
  1. Introduction
  2. Objectives
  3. Methodology
  4. Block Diagram
  5. Analysis
  6. Conclusion

Figure 16: The picture during presentation day
The Presentation Day has been a success. I have presented my project to both of the assigned accessors and they are satisfied with my project.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Week 13 : Making the preparation for the final project presentation and design poster

1.To repair the draft for final project report.
2.To design the poster for presentation day.
During this week, repair the draft for final report for this project after finish develop the hardware prototype.Then design the poster for presentation day about the project develop, after that make the preparation for presentain day by test the hardware and select the specific infomation to put the poster.

Figure 14: Poster for project demo presentation
Finally, the draft final report that draft followed the correct guideline at was repair by add suggestion from supervisor.Then poster design was finish and ready for presentation day.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

WEEK 12 : Designing the Volt Amp Meter

To design which compatible to bring anywhere.

This design based on the best output can be produced by the DC motor ganeretor. I have selected DC-DC booster converter to develop "Wind Turbine Using Cooler Fan".

Figure 13: Design of "Volt Amp Meter"

This is the complate circuit that been done whre the volt meter,switch, indicator lamp and output load put together.